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Bird Proofing

Frequently Asked Questions

Hiring the best bird proofing services near you involves a combination of research, understanding your requirements, and asking the right questions. Here’s a step-by-step guide to assist you:
1. Determine Your Needs:
– Identify the areas where you need bird proofing (e.g., roofs, ledges, balconies, air conditioning units).
– Understand the bird species you’re dealing with, as different birds may require different proofing methods.
2. Start with Recommendations:
– Ask friends, family, or neighbors if they’ve hired bird proofing services and if they would recommend them.
– If you’re a business owner, ask other business owners in your vicinity for recommendations.
3. Online Research:
– Use search engines or local online directories to find bird proofing services in your area.
– Check online reviews and ratings on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, or other local review sites.
4. Verify Qualifications:
– Ensure the company or individual has appropriate licensing or qualifications.
– Check if they have any affiliations with industry associations or groups.
5. Get Multiple Quotes:
– Reach out to at least three companies for quotes. This helps you understand the market rate and make a comparative choice.
– Ensure quotes are detailed and include specifics about the materials to be used, labor costs, and any additional charges.
6. Ask the Right Questions:
– What methods do you use for bird proofing?
– Do you offer non-lethal solutions?
– How do you handle bird nests or birds that might already be nesting?
– Is your bird proofing solution safe for other animals and humans?
– How long do you expect the bird proofing to last?
– Do you provide a guarantee or warranty for your services?
– Can you provide references or examples of similar jobs you’ve completed?
– What happens if the bird proofing fails or needs maintenance?
7. Visit Their Past Projects (If Possible):
– If the service provider has done any significant projects nearby, consider visiting to check the quality and effectiveness of their work.
8. Understand the Impact:
– Some bird proofing methods might alter the aesthetics of your property. Ensure you’re comfortable with any visual changes.
– Check if the bird proofing solution would require significant maintenance or adjustments over time.
9. Go with Your Instinct:
– Communication is key. Choose a company or individual that you feel communicates clearly, understands your needs, and is professional in their approach.
10. Finalize Details in Writing:
– Once you’ve chosen a service, ensure that all details, including costs, timelines, guarantees, and the scope of work, are provided in a written contract.
11. After-Service Support:
– It’s beneficial to choose a company that provides after-service support or checks, ensuring the bird proofing remains effective.
By following these steps and being thorough in your research and questioning, you can ensure you hire the best bird proofing service near you.

Bird Proofing (often referred to as bird control or bird deterrent) is the practice of using various methods to prevent birds from landing, roosting, and nesting in areas where they’re unwanted due to the potential harm or nuisance they might cause. Birds, while beautiful and essential for the ecosystem, can sometimes cause damage, health risks, or become a nuisance in specific areas.
What can Bird Proofing do?
1. Prevent Damage: Birds can cause significant damage to buildings, statues, cars, and more. Their droppings are acidic and can erode materials over time.
2. Health and Safety: Bird droppings can be slippery, posing a slip hazard. They can also harbor diseases like histoplasmosis, salmonellosis, and more.
3. Aesthetic Reasons: Large amounts of bird droppings can be unsightly, especially on buildings or statues.
4. Reduce Noise: In areas where large numbers of birds congregate, the noise can become a disturbance.
5. Protect Agricultural Areas: Bird proofing can prevent birds from damaging crops or eating large amounts of fruits.
6. Preserve Biodiversity: By keeping invasive bird species at bay, native species can flourish.
Methods used in Bird Proofing:
1. Physical Barriers:
– Bird Spikes: These prevent birds from landing on ledges, sills, and rooftops.
– Bird Netting: Used to exclude birds from specific areas.
– Electric Tracks: Give birds a mild shock when they land, deterring them from returning.
2. Sound Deterrents: Devices that produce distress calls or predator calls to scare birds away.
3. Visual Deterrents:
– Reflective objects: Birds are often scared away by bright, reflective objects.
– Bird scare balloons: These have predatorial patterns that deter birds.
– Laser deterrents: Some birds are deterred by specific wavelengths of laser light.
4. Bird Gels: Sticky substances that birds don’t like to land on.
5. Biological Control: Using natural predators like falcons or hawks to deter smaller birds.
6. Chemical Deterrents: Non-toxic sprays or foggers that deter birds without harming them.
7. Habitat Modification: Altering the environment, like draining standing water, to make it less attractive to specific bird species.
It’s important to note that while bird proofing aims to deter birds, ethical and humane methods should always be the primary choice. In many regions, certain bird species are protected, and harming them can lead to severe penalties. Always ensure that the bird proofing methods used are in compliance with local regulations and are non-lethal to the birds.

Bird proofing specialists can assist with a range of tasks to prevent or deter birds from unwanted areas. Here are some of the primary jobs they can help with:
1. Assessment and Consultation:
– Inspect and evaluate the affected areas.
– Identify the specific bird species causing the issue.
– Provide recommendations on the most effective and humane deterrent methods.
2. Installation of Physical Deterrents:
– Bird Spikes: Installing spikes on ledges, rooftops, and other surfaces to prevent birds from landing or roosting.
– Bird Netting: Installing nets to prevent birds from accessing particular areas, especially in agricultural settings or building facades.
– Electric Tracks: Setting up electric tracks that deliver a mild shock to deter birds without harming them.
3. Setting up Sound Deterrents:
– Installing devices that emit predator calls or bird distress signals to scare away birds.
4. Deploying Visual Deterrents:
– Placing reflective tapes, rods, or bird scare balloons.
– Setting up laser deterrent systems.
5. Application of Bird Gels:
– Applying sticky gels to surfaces to deter birds from landing.
6. Habitat Modification:
– Advising on or implementing changes in the environment to make it less attractive to birds, such as removing food sources or water.
7. Chemical Deterrents:
– Applying non-toxic sprays or treatments that deter birds but don’t harm them.
8. Biological Control:
– Using trained birds of prey, like falcons or hawks, in certain environments (like airports) to deter smaller birds.
9. Maintenance and Monitoring:
– Regular checks and maintenance of installed deterrents to ensure they remain effective.
– Adjusting strategies based on results and seasonal bird activities.
10. Clean-Up Services:
– Removing nests or accumulated bird droppings, ensuring a clean environment.
– Offering solutions for safe and effective cleaning of bird droppings to prevent corrosion or health hazards.
11. Educational Services:
– Providing training or informational sessions on bird behavior, why they might be attracted to certain areas, and how to deter them humanely.
12. Legal Compliance:
– Advising on local wildlife regulations and ensuring all bird proofing measures are compliant.
– Offering guidance on protected bird species and the appropriate methods to deal with them.
When seeking bird proofing solutions, always opt for humane and ethical methods that deter birds without causing them harm. Remember, many bird species play crucial roles in ecosystems, and some are protected by local or international laws.

The cost of bird proofing in Australia can vary widely depending on the type of deterrent used, the size and complexity of the project, and the specific needs of the client. As of my last update in September 2021, here are some general guidelines on the potential costs:
1. Consultation and Inspection: Some companies might charge for an initial consultation and site inspection, ranging from $50 to $200 or more, depending on the site’s complexity.
2. Physical Deterrents:
– Bird Spikes: These can cost anywhere from $3 to $15 per linear meter, depending on the material (plastic or stainless steel) and the brand.
– Bird Netting: Costs can range from $10 to $40 per square meter, depending on the netting type and the installation complexity.
– Electric Tracks: These systems can be more expensive, possibly ranging from $50 to $100 per linear meter or more, including installation.
3. Sound and Visual Deterrents: Devices can range from $50 for simple scare devices to $1,000 or more for sophisticated ultrasonic or laser systems.
4. Bird Gels: Prices for bird repellent gels might range from $15 to $50 for a tube or tub. Labor for application would be extra.
5. Biological Control: Hiring a falconer or someone with trained birds of prey can be costly. A session might range from $200 to $500 or more, depending on the duration and frequency of visits.
6. Chemical Deterrents: Non-toxic bird repellent sprays or treatments can cost between $20 to $100 or more, depending on the product’s size and brand.
7. Installation and Labor Costs: Depending on the project’s size and complexity, labor can add significantly to the cost. It might range from $50 to $100 per hour or more.
8. Maintenance and Monitoring: Regular checks, maintenance, and adjustments can also add to the total cost. Some companies might offer maintenance packages or regular check-ups.
9. Clean-Up Services: Removing bird droppings, nests, and sanitizing the area might be charged based on the area’s size and the amount of work required. Costs could range from $100 to $500 or more.
Given the variability in costs based on different factors, it’s essential to get multiple quotes from various service providers. Ensure that quotes are itemized, so you know exactly what you’re paying for. Additionally, prices might have changed since 2021 due to inflation, increased labor costs, or changes in the market, so it’s always a good idea to contact local providers for the most up-to-date pricing.

When considering hiring a local bird proofing service, asking the right questions will help you make an informed decision. Here’s a list of questions you might consider:
1. Experience and Qualifications:
– How long have you been in the bird proofing business?
– Do you have any certifications or affiliations with industry associations?
2. Assessment:
– Can you provide a free consultation or site inspection?
– What types of birds are most commonly causing problems in this area, and what methods do you recommend for them?
3. Methods and Products:
– What bird proofing methods do you recommend for my specific problem?
– Are the methods you use humane and non-lethal?
– How do your products compare to others on the market?
– Can you provide any references or case studies where you’ve used these methods successfully?
4. Environmental and Aesthetic Concerns:
– Will the bird proofing methods harm the environment or other animals?
– How will the deterrents affect the aesthetics of my property?
5. Legal Compliance:
– Are you aware of local regulations regarding bird protection and bird deterrents?
– How do you ensure compliance with these laws?
6. Installation and Duration:
– How long will the installation process take?
– How long can I expect the bird proofing measures to last?
– What kind of maintenance is required?
7. Guarantees and Warranties:
– Do you offer a guarantee or warranty for your services?
– What is your policy if the bird proofing measures fail or are less effective than expected?
8. Costs and Quotes:
– Can you provide an itemized quote for the recommended services?
– Are there any potential additional costs or hidden fees I should be aware of?
– Do you offer any discounts or package deals for multiple services?
9. Safety and Cleanup:
– How do you ensure the safety of occupants during the installation process?
– Will you clean up bird droppings or nests as part of the service? Is there an additional cost for this?
10. Aftercare and Maintenance:
– Do you provide any aftercare services or check-ins to ensure effectiveness?
– If maintenance is needed, is it covered under the initial cost or charged separately?
11. References:
– Can you provide references or testimonials from past clients?
– Do you have any examples of similar projects you’ve completed in the area?
12. Insurance and Licensing:
– Are you licensed and insured to operate in this area?
– What kind of insurance coverage do you have in case of damages or accidents during installation?
By asking these questions and gauging the responses, you can get a clear picture of the service provider’s expertise, professionalism, and suitability for your needs. Always do due diligence by checking references, reading reviews, and verifying claims before making a decision.

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